速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / New York City Guide - Totally Offline

New York City Guide - Totally Offline



檔案大小:108.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


New York City Guide - Totally Offline(圖1)-速報App

Planning to visit New York City, NY or a resident of New York City, NY? This small application on iPhone and iPod

Touch will guide you to get the information you are looking for in just few clicks. This is totally offline, means

you do not need internet connection at all while using this application. Even the Map is stored locally. All the

information are cleverly categorized in to nineteen categories. Some of the categories are

ATM,Attraction,Bank,Bar,Beauty,Coffee,Doctors,Fast Food,Hospitals,Hotels,Museums,Night Life,Parks and

Gardens,Petrol Pump,Restaurant,Shopping,Taxi and more.

Every information is shown in the Map and a detailed view with address,phone, description, distance from current

location and more. You can post the information to Facebook, Twitter or email to your friends. You can add an item

New York City Guide - Totally Offline(圖2)-速報App

to Favourite as well for quick access.

The Map works offline, you do not need any internet connection. You can zoom in , zoom out or drag the map just

like the inbuilt Map application.


- Money saving: The application is designed for offline use.You do not need any internet connection, no roaming

charge etc.

- There are more than 9500 items in 19 categories.

- Easy to use: All the categories are nicely categorized. Everybody can understand from the application itself how

New York City Guide - Totally Offline(圖3)-速報App

to use it. Every item shown also shows the distance from your current location.

- Offline maps: You do not need any internet connection to access our detailed street maps. The map works just

similar to the inbuilt Map application - you can drag, zoom in or zoom out.

- Search: A very good intelligent and fast search engine has been integrated with this application. Just type the

item you are looking for and you will get in less than a second.

- Personalization: You can add items to your Favorite for quick access.

- Photo Gallery: There is a photo gallery just similar to the in built Photo application. You can add photo

directly from camera or from Photo Album. You can send post card to your friends as well(you need an internet

New York City Guide - Totally Offline(圖4)-速報App


- Social Network: You can inform you friends through Facebook, Twitter or EMail(you need an internet connection).

Attribution: Map data (c) OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA

New York City Guide - Totally Offline(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad